The aim of the game is to correctly match the CODE inside of the lines horizontally, if you manage to do that, you must then fill the line in order to clear it. Each time you clear a CODE, your score is updated and a new CODE will appear. Enjoy!
(Go full screen to see the game better)

to move the blocks
SPACE  to drop the blocks into place


Play as a grey-hat hacker doing some corporate espionage -- I mean "competitive intelligence gathering" on some shady company!
Legal crimes all around!

Game Concept & Programmers - Killacook93 and MrSummer
Narrative Design & Art - IsleOfLines
Music & SFX - Niclas Nightflame

Thanks for reading/playing 

[Made for the Beginner's Jam 2024]


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This was a really fun take on how to play a game like Tetris. The instructions were clear and it was easy to just get started and play.